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SNW Partner Keith Naccari's Decision to Donate a Kindney was an Easy One

SNW Founding Partner Keith Naccari’s nature is to help others — it’s something he said comes from his tight-knit family, who never think twice about lending a hand when it’s in their means to do so.

Last August, when Keith found out he had a family member in need of a new kidney, he didn’t think twice about offering his own. Keith was recognized in the August 2018 issue of Biz New Orleans for his generous act, which involved a temporary move to Jacksonville, Florida, for the surgery, and also put him in the hospital a few weeks after that, due to an infection that set in.

Keith, who is also a member of Louisiana’s Entrepreneur Organization, said it was critical that he had the support of SNW and his network at EO during the process.

“My law partners at Sternberg, Naccari & White, LLC were great through the whole experience as well,” he said. “I was physically out of the office for about a month and was away from clients for about a week. But they were very supportive through that whole process.”

“It was so helpful just going through that process and having my law partners and EO people to fall back on,” Naccari said.

For the whole story, check out Biz New Orleans’ article. And to learn more about Keith and his law practice, click here.

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